Thursday, 15 April 2010

New Newspaper

It’s Thursday again and that means Club Penguin has released a new issue of the Club Penguin Times, so lets get started on the full review!

The first main story of this weeks new Club Penguin Times talks about the upcoming Earth Day Party that is taking place on April 22nd. Some of the penguins that were interviewed for this article are saying that there will be a new path from the Forest leading to the Mine, so other penguins can access the Mine quicker. Now lets move on to the next main article.

In this article, it says that Club Penguin is going to create a new room for the new Earth Day Party! In the article it also states that Gary is working on a new invention that should be ready by the start of the upcoming Earth Day Party. In next weeks Club Penguin Times there will be more information about the new room. Now lets move on to the Upcoming Events!

•April 16th – New Igloo Upgrades Catalog
•April 16th – New Better Igloos Catalog
•April 22nd-25th – Earth Day Party
•April 30th – New Igloo Music

To See The newspaper, Find this picture on our site

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